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Why an online course about diabetes?

Hi, my name is Joe Solowiejczyk and I’m a diabetes nurse educator, family therapist and the author of this course. I’ve had type 1 diabetes for 55 years. I’ve been working with children and families with diabetes for over 35 years – educating and counseling them on how to manage diabetes in such a way so that they get the most out of their lives; teaching them to do most of their managing by themselves. It’s what I do and it’s what most of my friends with diabetes do – they manage most of it by themselves.
This course shows you how to do it. I also share coping mechanisms to help you get through the sad times. We don't have to like diabetes but we do have to show up and manage it every day.
Announcing A New Online Course
"The Ultimate Guide to Raising a Child with Type 1 Diabetes"
Revised 2nd Edition - an online course authored by
Joe Solowiejczyk RN, MSW CDE
Online courseware developed and offered by
MediSelf Press - Coming soon...
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