Why an online course
about type 1 diabetes?

Hi, my name is Joe Solowiejczyk. I’m a diabetes nurse educator and family therapist. I'm the author of the book, "A Type 1 Diabetes Guide to the Universe" upon which this online course is based.
I’ve had type 1 diabetes for 55 years and working with children and families with diabetes for over 35 years. This entails educating and counseling them on how to manage diabetes in such a way so that they get the most out of their lives. In a nutshell,
I teach people how to do most of their managing by themselves.
It’s what I do and it’s what most of my friends with diabetes do – they manage most of it by themselves. We adjust our insulin doses based on blood sugar results. We manage travel, extreme sports, sick days and special occasions using the knowledge that we develop from managing it everyday.