When I first got diagnosed, the needles were ¾ inch long and there was no blood sugar testing. There was only urine testing where you had to pee into a cup, take 4 drops of urine, put it into a test tube of Benedict’s Solution and boil for 5 minutes!
Perhaps even more difficult was the fact that there was no diet soda –no Tab, no Diet Coke or Pepsi – nothing in that department at all. And I remember as a kid, wanting soda so badly! When they “discovered” Tab and Fresca in the United States I began to believe that God had actually parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross!
The fact was and is today that no matter what the technology available, if you wanted to take care of yourself then, you could, and if you want to take care of yourself now you can.
The technology won’t do it for you – you have to use the technology and make it work for you! For those that do, it makes a big difference all around in terms of quality of management and quality of life.
You should use your diabetes care team as expert consultants – and consider yourselves very important members of the care team – with a strong voice based in knowledge gained from living with diabetes on a daily basis. And that is what you’ll be able to do after reading this book!