Medical Advisors
Please take a few minutes to listen to my friends explain that you can indeed do this! It's hard work for sure but you can do it and you're not alone.
You’ll be able to manage your diabetes mostly by yourself, using your health care professionals as expert advisors. And it’s what I’ve taught the thousands of patients that I’ve worked with over the past 35 years as a diabetes nurse educator and family therapist; teaching people how to go mountain climbing or travel in the desert by camel or play sports or be actors and on and on and “take their diabetes along” managing it effectively and helping them gain a sense of competence and confidence in themselves as they take on more and more of the management role over time.
It’s both my personal and professional belief that having diabetes shouldn’t stop you from doing anything that you want to do! And to do that, in the fullest and most enriching way possible, you need to learn how to “take it along” and manage it effectively. That’s what this book is about – teaching you and your family how to take it with you wherever you go, to complain about it from time to time because it is a pain in the butt, but not let it stop you from unfolding into the lives that were yours before you got diagnosed.
As doctors, nurses, dietitians, social workers and psychologists working in diabetes we are obligated to provide you and your child with all the knowledge and information that you need to get on with your lives. My clinical goal when working with kids and families is to give them as much as information and support as possible and to provide them with what they need to make their lives after diagnosis look as close as possible as to what their lives looked like before diagnosis. We as healthcare professionals owe you that!
And it is an achievable goal!