GlucoGram - Dexcom CGM app for MacOS
MediSelf Press with MacOS developer Chris Mertz
The GlucoGram app for MacOS is available to you for FREE.
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What it does
GlucoGram is a macOS app that lets you view your current glucose trend and level in the macOS status menu. At a glance, you can easily see when your glucose is trending high, low or just right. GlucoGram is compatible with all Dexcom Share CGMs. To get up and running, open the GlucoGram preference window and enter your Dexcom Share credentials.
GlucoGram is able to update the glucose data every 5 minutes on average. The current blood glucose level is always displayed in the macOS status menu. With one click on GlucoGram's menu, the last 24 hours worth of glucose data is displayed in a beautiful rendered graph. Furthermore, you can set high and low glucose alerts, as well as notifications in case the signal to the transmitter has been lost.
GlucoGram uses the macOS keychain to store your credentials securely and never sends any information outside of the app, aside from Dexcom.
Feature Overview
• View current glucose trend and level in macOS status menu
• Customizable low and high glucose alerts
• Loss of signal transmitter alerts
• Dynamic 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hour glucose graph
• Intuitive and user-friendly interface
• View details about previously recorded glucose levels
• Announce blood glucose readings
• AppleScript support
• Integrated help
Note: GlucoGram is provided for educational purposes only and is not to be used to treat any medical conditions.
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