SELF - iPhone mobile app
by MediSelf Press (iOS developer - Rafael Guimaraes)
The SELF mobile app for iPhone is available to you for FREE for a limited time.
Please subscribe for updates and special invitations.
Look for the SELF crowd funding campaign to influence product direction and feature priorities.
What it does
We all know who we want to be on our best day. Sometimes life gets in the way.
Self - the easiest and most efficient way to being the most you can be.
Self - the most comprehensive personal assessment app on the mobile web.
Self - helps you by making it fast and easy to track everything that matters to you on your journey toward being the best version of you possible.
Self - allows you to score yourself in relation to what was possible - according to your own criteria.
Designed with your privacy in mind (data is stored in iCloud), self rolls up everything that matters into a SINGLE daily entry.
The key is to keeping things simple.
Once you've picked your time of day, all that's needed is for you to:
1) open the notification; and,
2) score your day:
Do I feel like I rocked my world today?
5 stars. Rocked it!
Did I decide to take the day off and be a couch potato?
Maybe that's what I needed that day so... 3 stars.
Were my choices today really out of line with who I know I am?
Maybe that's only 1 star... or 2.
Over time, self identifies trends and patterns for you that help you achieve your definition of success during life's journey.
Optional features:
- write a note
- add a photo
- view past entries
- look at recent trends
This app was designed by a behavioral scientist in cooperation with a financial analyst. More than 15 years have been invested in developing the concepts included in self. Future enhancements are planned that give you even more without requiring any additional time on your part.
Welcome to the app that helps you to 'be all I can be'...
...with the least amount of effort.

Published by MediSelf Press
Copyright © MediSelf Press 2016-2017
All rights reserved worldwide.